The <fmt: timeZone> Tag is used to specify the time zone. This time zone information will be used for time formatting or parsing actions nested in its body .
Syntax Of <fmt: timeZone> Tag
<fmt: timeZone attributes> body content </fmt: timeZone>
Attributes Of <fmt: timeZone> Tag
value: It is used to represent the time zone ID or specify the java.util.TimeZone object.
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %> <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %> <html> <head> <title>Time Zone Example</title> </head> <body> <center> <c:set var="today" value="<%=new java.util.Date()%>" /> <b>Today's Date and Time in India</b><br> <fmt:formatDate value="${today}" type="both" /><br> <b>Date and time of US</b><br> <fmt:timeZone value="US"> <fmt:formatDate value="${today}" type="both" /> </fmt:timeZone> </center> </body> </html>
Details of the Code
- <%@ taglib uri=”” prefix=”fmt” %> tag is used for formatting the data in jsp page.
- <%@ taglib uri=”” prefix=”c”%> tag is used to process a JSP page in an application
- <fmt:timeZone value=”US”> tag is use to specify the time depending upon the time zone of the particular country (US).
- <fmt:formatDate> tag is used to display the date.
Steps for Execution
- Save this file as example.jsp in your eclipse IDE.
- Now select this jsp file, right mouse click and select Run as ->Run on server
When the execution process is completed successfully we will get the following output :
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