Android Progress Dialog is an extension of the AlertDialog class that can display a spinner wheel or a progress bar. These dialogs help us to inform the users about the time consuming tasks and keep them involved till they get their work done. Android progress dialog can be of two types. ProgressDialog with a horizontal …
How to add lists, Checkboxes and Radio buttons to an AlertDialog – Android
A Dialog is a small window that appears in front of the current Activity. An AlertDialog is a Dialog which can have zero, one, two or three buttons. We have discussed about creating a simple AlertDialog in one of our earlier posts AlertDialog. The previous tutorial on AlertDialog demonstrated how to create an AlertDialog which …
How to create a DatePickerDialog in android?
Android DatePicker dialog allows the user to select a date in year, month and day in a standardized format. To create this, you can use Class. Android provides a DatePickerDialog class which creates a floating dialog. In this tutorial we would be discussing how to create DatePickerDialog in android and how to deal with …
How to create Notifications in Android?
A Notification is a message displayed to the user outside of your application’s normal UI. It informs the user about the event that occured which requires attention. Examples for notification are alarm clocks, SMS indicators, birthday reminders etc. A service running in the background cannot intrude an Activity in the foreground to inform about any …
Shared Preferences in android
In mobile application development each and every small information cannot be stored in a database, as complex database queries can limit the processing power of the processor affecting the battery life. Android provides a simple mechanism called “Shared Preferences” using which small and vital information like user preferences and others can be stored . Android data storage …
How to create AlertDialog box in Android?
This tutorial explains you how to create a simple AlertDialog box and how to deal with those dialogs. Dialog is a small window which takes a small part in your screen. It is majorly used to react to user driven events. Dialogs are always part of your activity. It gets the focus unless the user closes …
How to create a Toast message in Android?
A Toast in android is a transient notification that needs no user interaction. It disappears after a certain time period. It notifies user that something has happened.The current activity remains visible even when the toast message pops up. You can always make a toast to display messages of your choice. Android toast can display, simple …
How to switch from one activity to another in Android?
This tutorial explains you about how to Navigate from one activity to another in Android. I Presume you have enough basic knowledge about how to create a sample application in android and How to add a new Activity to an already created sample app. Let us now discuss how we can make two activities talk to each other. Step 1: Create …