Struts 2.0 is the popular Open Source Presentation Tier framework developed by Apache Group. It is based on MVC Model 2 design pattern. Dispatcher Filter is the front controller for the struts2 based applications. Struts 2.0 has simplified web development for its users by introducing POJO based actions, interceptors, flexible validation and support for many …
Create applications using ObjectDb and JPA in NetBeans
Introduction I have been developing Java applications for a long time and the major difficulty was the coding part related to database manipulations. Recently I shifted to use Object-Relational Mapping through JPA. I have used TopLink, EclipseLink, and Hibernate. Although I could achieve the functionally I want with ease, the output was slower when compared …
JPA and NetBeans
In this article we will see how to use Java Persistence API (JPA) in NetBeans 6.1 with in a Java application. The JPA was first introduced as part of the Java EE 5 platform. This article will not provide any of the theoretical information about JPA. Software used NetBeans IDE 6.1 JDK version 5.0/6.0 MySql …
Introduction to Java Persistence API(JPA)
Introduction Java Persistence API (JPA) provides POJO (Plain Old Java Object) standard and object relational mapping (OR mapping) for data persistence among applications. Persistence, which deals with storing and retrieving of application data, can now be programmed with Java Persistence API starting from EJB 3.0 as a result of JSR 220. This API has borrowed …