This post will feature some of the major features and enhancements of Spring 3.1. Released in the year 2011, Spring 3.1 introduced many new exciting features as listed and described in this article. This article would provide very good idea on the new features introduced and how it is different from the previous versions. If …
Spring Framework
Spring Classpath Scanning & Managed Components
In my previous articles I have explained about the some of the popular annotations in Spring @Required, @Autowired and @Qualifier. You could note from these posts that we declared all the beans or components in XML bean configuration file; this helps Spring container detect and register beans or components. In this post I shall discuss …
@Qualifier Annotation in Spring
In this post I shall cover another spring annotation @Qualifier which helps fine-tune annotation-based autowiring. In the previous post we saw how we could use @Autowired annotation on setter methods, fields and constructors. There may be scenarios when we create more than one bean of the same type and want to wire only one of …
@Autowired Annotation in Spring
This tutorial explains how to use @Autowired annotation for injecting the spring beans with simple example. This tutorial helps reader to understand various ways to use @Autowired in your application. Enjoy happy reading!!! In my previous post I mentioned about the use of @Required annotation for container configuration. In this post I shall cover the …
How to write Custom Spring Callback Methods?
A Spring process follows bean based approach.The Spring bean is created, managed and dispensed by the Spring IoC container. Each Spring bean has a lifecycle and the lifecycle has to undergo the following stages: Instantiate – The Spring container instantiates the bean. Populate properties- Spring IoC container injects the bean’s properties. Set Bean Name- Spring …
Custom Scope for Spring Beans
In my previous posts Spring bean scopes (Singleton and Prototype) with example and Spring bean scopes (Request, Session, Global Session) with example I discussed about the bean scopes in spring. There’s one more scope which I forgot to mention, its the Thread scope. The spring documentation states that As of Spring 3.0, a thread scope …
Spring bean scopes (Request, Session, Global Session) with example
When you define a bean in the configuration file, you are just defining the structure of the bean or it is just a class. With that definition, you can create any number of instances. Here the advantage of the bean is that, you are not only allowed to define the dependencies for the beans, you …
Spring bean scopes (Singleton and Prototype) with example
When you define a bean in the configuration file, you are just defining the structure of the bean or it is just a class. With that definition, you can create any number of instances. Here the advantage of the bean is that, you are not only allowed to define the dependencies for the beans, you …