If you are working in JavaScript, getting the key press events is necessary to perform any user initiated operations. DOJO provides dojo/keys module to perform all the key events. dojo/keys module defines the constants for each type of key with the corresponding key code. This helps us to import this module and directly use it …
Working With dojo/dom-construct – DOM construction API in DOJO
In my previous article I have explained about searching through dom tree using dojo.query. That is very helpful for searching any node in the tree by passing the ID or CLASS names in method parameters. But, I have not explained about how to manipulate the DOM structure. This article focuses more on manipulating the dom …
How to Pass Parameter in AJAX Request using DOJO?
In my previous article I have explained about the very basic article about accessing file in the server using dojo/request. In this post, I would go further on passing the parameter values to the server and return the response that will be printed on the screen. Even this is not a advanced tutorial on using AJAX …
A Simple AJAX Example Using DOJO
In the version 1.8, DOJO toolkit announced a new API dojo/request. This API simplifies the AJAX call to the server. As most of the internet applications are using the multiple AJAX request for displaying the data without re-loading the entire page, it becomes necessary for any UI framework has to support the easy and most powerful AJAX …
A Simple DOJO Widget Example
Widgets are user interface components that can be dynamically created and plcaed at suitable locations. DOJO provides great support on wide variety of built in widgets and provision to write the custom widgets. DOJO widgets can be created by extending the _WidgetBase class under the dijit package. “_ “at the beginning of any classes in DOJO implies …
A Simple DOJO Example
This article explains very basic DOJO example for the beginners. It is often quite difficult for the beginners to understand the basic concepts and start writing their first example. Once if they know how to start, it is going to be cake walk for them to learn the advanced concepts in the framework. Though most of the …
Configuring Dojo With dojoConfig
dojoConfig is an object for storing the global configurations used across a page or an application in DOJO. Before dojo components are loaded by the page, dojoConfig has to be configured to pass the global parameters. It is known as djConfig till the version 1.6. djConfig is deprecated and renamed as dojoConfig from the version 1.7 and …
DOJO – Build And Optimize Your DOJO Project
If you are a Java developer, you must be very familiar with the build scripts and have good understanding on the various build tools like ant, maven, etc. We know that the main purpose of the build is too compile (Read : Java Compiler API) the source code to the executable form and then make the …