Log4j 2 provides simple solution to the integration of logging to the web applications. If you run servlet 3.0 web application, then there is no need for any configurations. The log4j context is initialized at the time of loading the web application. If you run the servlet 2.5 web application, there is configuration parameters to …
Log4j 2 Example
This tutorial explains how to configure the Log4j 2 in your standalone application. Note that, this example will work only of your application is running as standalone. I will write another post for the web application configuration. The following steps explains how the Log4j 2 library loading the suitable configurations. Log4j will check the system …
Basic steps to configure Log4j using xml and properties file
This example demonstrated how to configure Log4j setup using the Properties file and XML file. These are the two most widely used techniques for configuring the Log4j for your application. But, in the recent days configuring with properties files are considered to be old technique and recommended using XML. This example program uses simple standalone …