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JavaBeans are simple classes that are used to develop dynamic WebPages. JavaBeans are required to create dynamic web pages by using separate java classes instead of using java code in a JSP page. It provides getter and setter methods to get and set values of the properties. Using JavaBeans it is easy to share objects between multiple WebPages.
Java Bean Properties:
- getPropertyName () : It is used to read the property. This method is called accessor.
- setPropertyName (): It is used to write the property. This method is called mutator.
useBean Tag
<jsp:useBean> tag is used to instantiate a JavaBean or to locate existing bean instance and assign it to a variable name. Synatx of <jsp:useBean> action tag :
<jsp:usebean id=”bean name” scope=”scope name” class=”packageName.className” beanName=”packageName.className” type=” packageName.className”/>
- id: It represents variable name assigned to id attribute of useBean tag
- scope: It represents scope in which bean instance has to be located.Scopes may be page,request,session, and application.Default scope is page.
- page : It indicates that bean can be used within JSP page until page sends response to client or forwards request to another resource.
- request : It Indicates bean can be used from any JSP page that processing same request until JSP page sends response to the client.
- session : It indicates that bean can be used from any JSP page invoked in the same session .The Page in which we create bean must have page directive with session=”true”.
- application : It indicates that bean can be used from any JSP page in the same application.
- class : It takes class name to create a bean instance if bean instance not present in given scope.It should have no-argument constructor and should not be an abstract class.
- beanName : It takes class name or expression .
- type : It takes a class or interface name, which can be used with class or beanName attribute. This attribute can be used with or without class or beanName.
useBean Example
Let us create a simple bean class Person.java:
Listing 1:Person.java
package javabeat.net.jsp.beans; public class Person { private String firstName = null; private String lastName = null; private int age = 0; public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; } public String getLastName() { return lastName; } public void setLastName(String lastName) { this.lastName = lastName; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } }
Listing 2: beanExample.jsp
<%@ page language='java' contentType='text/html; charset=UTF-8' pageEncoding='UTF-8'%> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd'> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'> <title>Use Bean Example</title> </head> <body> <jsp:useBean id='date' class='java.util.Date'/> <jsp:useBean id='person' class='javabeat.net.jsp.beans.Person'> <jsp:setProperty name='person' property='firstName' value='joe'/> <jsp:setProperty name='person' property='lastName' value='smith'/> <jsp:setProperty name='person' property='age' value='10'/> </jsp:useBean> <h2>Simple use of bean calling java.util.Date</h2> Today is <%=date%> <h2>Example for Accessing JavaBeans Properties</h2> <p><b>Person First Name:</b> <jsp:getProperty name='person' property='firstName'/> </p> <p><b>Person Last Name:</b> <jsp:getProperty name='person' property='lastName'/> </p> <p><b>Person Age:</b> <jsp:getProperty name='person' property='age'/> </p> </body> </html>
Execute the beanExample.jsp. Right click on beanExample.jsp and select Run > Run As. Following output would be seen:
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