8. Please select
A. declare class static B. declare class C. declare class final D. None of the above
. A. All methods are example B. Method # 1 and method # C. None of the above
. A. When method is declared B. when method is declared C. when method is declared
. A. public final class B. protected static class C. public class JavaExam
. A. long B. String C. All of the above
. A. ifdef B. sizeof C. goto
. A. The garbage collection B. A call to System.gc() C. A call to
. A. protected B. final C. transient
. A. null B. int C. All of the above
. A. It can delete an empty B. Both of the above C. Neither of the above
. A. False
. A. False
. A. False
. A. False
. A. native modifier can be B. native modifier can be C. native variable can be
. A. public void run() B. public boolean start() C. public boolean run()
. A. False
. A. public static native B. public static native C. public static void
. A. False
. A. add(int index, Object B. capacity() C. get(int index)
. A. B. C. java.awt.AWTException
. A. throws new B. Both of the above C. None of the above
. A. java.lang.StringBuffer B. java.util.Vector C. java.lang.Integer
. A. java.util.Vector B. java.util.LinkedList C. java.util.HashMap
. A. java.util.HashMap B. java.util.Properties C. All of the above
. A. False
. A. False
. A. False
. A. java.util.Hashtable B. java.util.HashMap C. java.util.ArrayList
. A. java.util.Map B. java.util.HashMap C. java.util.Hashmap Answers: