To use the “Math.min()” method in Java. Pass two values from which the minimum value needs to be found as an argument for the Math.min() method.
How to Sort a String in Java?
To sort a String in Java, use the “sort()” method with default and custom parameters, “Java 8 Streams API”, “reverseOrder()”, or define a custom method.
How to Reverse a List in Java?
To reverse a list in Java, use the “Collections.reverse()” or “add() and remove()” methods or Recursion, ListIterator, Iteration, and Stream API approaches.
How to Return an Array in Java?
To return an array in Java, use the “return” keyword before the array name after the array declaration and initialization and use the “for” loop to select the array elements.
How to Check If a File or Directory Exists in Java?
To check if a file or directory exists in Java, use the “exists()” method provided by two utilities “java.nio.file.Files” or “”.
How to Compare Dates in Java
Dates in Java can be compared using the “compareTo()” method, the “Date” class, the “Calendar” class, or via the “LocalDate” class.
What is the Difference Between List and ArrayList in Java
Java contains the “Collection” framework which includes multiple classes and interfaces for representing a group of objects. This collection enables storing the group of objects as a single unit. This interface contains the “List” interface and the “ArrayList” class which can be used to perform multiple operations such as sorting, insertion, deletion, and manipulation of …
What is Static Method in Java With Examples
A static method in Java refers to a method that is related to a class rather than a class instance and can be accessed without creating an object of the class.