When you work with Thymeleaf application, you would have encountered the TemplateProcessingException exceptions. The problem is the use of default context variables. It could be because of Wrong use of the context variable name (or) The property name accessed by the context variable object is not correct.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javassist.ClassPath
When you work with Hibernate or Thymeleaf, it is probably that you would get the below exception. It may happen any other projects too if that library has the dependency with javaassist library. I have got this exception when I started developing my first Hello World application using Thymeleaf template framework. The reason for the …
Spring Bean Factory Exception : BeanFactory not initialized or already closed
The given exception is exception is thrown when the spring bean factory is not initialized properly before it is used in your application. It normally occurs when we are not added the bean factory initialization code in our project. One typical example is adding the spring initialization parameter to web.xml deployment descriptor. Exception Trace:
Jersey : The ResourceConfig instance does not contain any root resource classes
When you are working with Jersey REST web services, you would encounter the following exception. This is occurred either of two reasons. com.sun.jersey.config.property.packages doesn’t exist in your web.xml. com.sun.jersey.config.property.packages included a package path, but that is not included any jersey services. If you check the above two reasons and resolve it, the below exception will …
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/objectweb/asm/ClassVisitor
When you work on Hibernate, Jersey or any third party API, most of these APIs have the dependency with the asm.jar file. ASM is an all purpose Java bytecode manipulation and analysis framework. This is a common framework used by many of the thrird part frameworks internally, that is the reason many projects have this …