@Named and @Component annotations are used for the same purpose. Both the annotations are used for enabling a class to be auto detected as the bean definition for spring’s application context. The following are the main different of these two annotations. @Named is part of the. Java specification. It is more recommended since this annotation …
Spring IOC
Bean Definition Inheritance in Spring
In my previous post I have explained how to inherit collection values from the parent bean. Spring offers out of the box support on inheritance for the bean definitions in the XML configuration file. You can define any number of beans and extend them by using the parent attribute in the bean element. Child bean can …
How to Merge Collections in Spring?
In my previous post I have explained about how to use collections in Spring. This tutorial explains how to merge collections or inherit the values from the parent bean. In some scenarios we need to define a bean as abstract using the abstract=true in the bean definition. It means that another bean definition will be …
Circular Dependency in Spring
This tutorial explains one of the basic mistake done by the spring developers while defining the spring beans. Spring will not allow Circular Dependency and will throw an exception (BeanCurrentlyInCreationException) at the time of loading the configuration files. Also it is not good practice to design your project to have the circular dependency. What is …