Knowing how to define a Java constant is an essential step to mastering Java. As your programs increase in complexity, the use of constants will help simplify them. Quick Navigation What Is a Constant?How to Define a ConstantUsing ConstantsAdd It to Your Toolbelt What Is a Constant? Constants are numbers that do not change, such …
Servlet Life Cycle: Explanation
Servlets are small programs that run at server side and creates dynamic web pages. Servlets respond to requests sent by the user. In MVC architecture, servlets act as a controller. The controller processes and responds to user requests. The Servlet Life Cycle contains the following steps: Servlet Life Cycle: Class Loading The first step in …
Java Scanner Class With Examples
This article will discuss the scanner class in Java with some examples and illustrations. Once you know the basics of programming, the time comes for a developer to work with novice programs in text mode (console). Many begin using the scanner class, precisely because it facilitates the data input in the console. Java 5 introduced …
Gradle Tutorial
There are many automated build tools used for building, testing, publishing deployment, and packaging software these days. Apache Ant, Maven, and Gradle are the most popular automated build tools. Gradle is a build automation tool that helps developers by eliminating the need for unnecessary efforts. Standard directory preparation, compilation, packaging, generating the required artifacts, and …
Spring Annotations [Quick Reference]
Below is the summary of the spring annotations that people use most frequently across spring applications. Spring Framework 2.5 added the annotations to the framework. Before that, the XML files defined every configuration. Annotations became more convenient to reduce the XML configuration files and annotate the classes and methods with different annotations used at the …
National Skills Registry: Everything You Need To Know
One of the most difficult challenges for any business is filling skilled worker positions in the company. Success requires the right mix of skills. Any gap or weakness in skill, experience, expertise, and technical proficiency can hold the business back and keep it from gaining new work. A challenge for any worker is letting prospective …
IntelliJ vs Eclipse: Which To Use For Java Development
When coding a program in Java, deciding on the language to use is only half the battle. The programmer must decide which IDE (or integrated development environment) works best for the job. The undertaking of large projects in Java requires the use of an IDE. The right IDE can perform invaluable tasks like decompiling files. …
Introduction to Hibernate Envers
Hibernate Envers is a library that helps us to easily achieve audit functionality. It aims to enable easy auditing/versioning of persistent classes/entities. It provides a built in mechanism to maintain history of tables in Hibernate. Hibernate Envers has been created by Adam Warski. From Hibernate 3.5, Envers is part of core module. Envers works in a similar fashion to Version …