As we’ve learned about Spring Data Repository in our previous tutorials, it’s an abstraction layer that built in top of persistent store that leverage the ability of accessing that store for achieving CRUD operations. Spring Data Repository had integrated seamlessly with all of the aspects that might be concerned by a developer, one of those aspect …
Spring Data
PrimeFaces + Spring Roo + Spring Data JPA Integration Example
This tutorial presents how to develop a web application using PrimeFaces using Spring ROO and Spring Data JPA. In our previous tutorials we have explained each topic with more examples. Spring ROO is the rapid application development tool for the spring applications. It improves the productivity of software development. To Getting started this tutorial, be sure …
PrimeFaces 5 + Spring Data + MySQL Integration
This tutorial guides you through creating a web application that integrates between PrimeFaces 5, Spring Data and MySQL database. It’s important for you to learn the basics of the technologies PrimeFaces and Spring Data before start reading this tutorial. Also read: Spring Data JPA Spring Data JPA + Querydsl Spring Data + MongoDB Connect With …
Spring Data JPA Tutorial
Persistence API (JPA) provides POJO (Plain Old Java Object) standard and object relational mapping (OR mapping) for data persistence among applications. Persistence, which deals with storing and retrieving of application data, can now be programmed with Java Persistence API starting from EJB 3.0 as a result of JSR 220. This API has borrowed many of …