The number is input type is used for specifying numerical value. It is used to collect the number either it is integer or floating point. All known browsers use this as spinner which have up and down arrow at right side of the textbox to increase or decrease the number value. If we specify type=”number” …
HTML5 – Datalist Vs Select Tags
In our previous tutorial I have explained HTML5 Datalist with a simple example. If you are a novice HTML programmer, then you would have a confusion on difference between <datalist> and <select> elements. The reality is that, both are used for the entirely different purposes. Datalist Tag This tag is used for suggesting the possible …
5 New Features in HTML5
This tutorial explains the 5 new features introduced in the HTML5. The features are new doctype, importing scripts and resources, image element tag, canvas element and the offline or local storage in the browser. There are many other great features in the HTML5, here I just give the overview of these 5 new features. 1. …
HTML5 Validator – Validating Forms With HTML5
In this article we will see how to perform form validation with JavaScript and with html5. In this article I’ll will talk about a new feature of HTML5 which is very useful in creating validations of forms, that is the HTML5 Validator. Since long time the validation of a form field is one thing that has been …
Create HTML Forms Without Using Tables
Since last few years CSS (cascading style sheets) has transformed the way the websites are designed. It helps to raise the level of your project in good and attractive ways. In this article we will see a few different ways to create beautiful forms using CSS . Beautiful forms without using tables. In this example we will see how to …
Static HTML Webpage Creation
In this article I shall detail you about the basics of creating a static HTML page. This article will help beginners who want to create a website of their own or write an HTML page from scratch. Though there are innumerable sites with such related data but I felt I personally should put forth my …