In the Java Persistence API (JPA) The entities support inheritance, polymorphic, polymorphic associations, and polymorphic queries. Both abstract and concrete classes can be entities, and both of them can be annotated with the @Entity annotation, mapped as entities and queried for as entities. Entities can extend non-entity classes and non-entity classes can extend entity classes, so …
Java EE
EclipseLink / JPA Annotations – @Inheritance With Single Table Strategy
In the Java Persistence API (JPA) The entities support inheritance, polymorphic, polymorphic associations, and polymorphic queries. Both abstract and concrete classes can be entities, and both of them can be annotated with the @Entity annotation, mapped as entities and queried for as entities. Entities can extend non-entity classes and non-entity classes can extend entity classes, so …
EclipseLink / JPA Annotations – @ManyToMany
The Many-To-Many annotation is one of the most important annotations provided by the EclipseLink – JPA. It defines a many-valued association with ManyToMany multiplicity (See single-valued multiplicity and different kind of many-valued multiplicity). A newly concept has introduced such as (JoinTable) as well as a new annotation like (@JoinTable) when we are coming to introduce …
JSTL Format fmt:requestEncoding Tag
The <fmt: requestEncoding> tag is used to set the character encoding of a request. The Syntax Of <fmt: requestEncoding> Tag Attributes of <fmt: requestEncoding> Tag value: The character encoding is further used to decode the request parameter. Example In first ResourceBundle class we have put color name Listing 1: The another ResourceBundle contains color …
JSTL Format fmt:message Tag
The <fmt: message> tag maps key to localized message to return the value using the resource bundle specified in the bundle attribute. Syntax Of <fmt: message> Tag Attributes Of <fmt: message> Tag Attributes Description key It is used for specifying the key whose value which we want to display. bundle Specifies the resource bundle that …
JSTL Formating fmt:timeZone Tag
The <fmt: timeZone> Tag is used to specify the time zone. This time zone information will be used for time formatting or parsing actions nested in its body . Syntax Of <fmt: timeZone> Tag Attributes Of <fmt: timeZone> Tag value: It is used to represent the time zone ID or specify the java.util.TimeZone object. Example Details …
JSTL Format fmt:parseNumber Tag
The <fmt: parseNumber> tag is used to parse the string representation of numbers, currencies and percentage according to the customized formatting pattern. Syntax Of <fmt: parseNumber> Tag Attributes Of <fmt: parseNumber> Tag Attributes Description value Specifies the string value that has to be parsed. type Specifies that the string has to be parsed as number, …
JSTL Format fmt:formatNumber Tag
The <fmt: formatNumber> tag is used to formatting the number data such as formatting numbers , currencies and percentages according to the customized formatting pattern. The Syntax Of <fmt: formatNumber> Tag Attributes of <fmt: formatNumber> Tag maxFractionDigitsSpecifies the maximum number of digits in fractional portion. Attributes Description value Specifies the numeric value that has to …