In this article I’ll give a brief overview of the ExtJS a JavaScript framework, which is most popular today, due to the features and quality it offers. External Javascript or ExtJS as it is called, is a JavaScript framework that was initially designed to be an extension of the YUI framework (Yahoo! User Interface Library ) . It was …
Introduction to JavaScript
This article aims to give an introduction to simple and not extremely formal scripting language which have been established as one of the foundations of the entire web application. You’ve probably heard this name, but have no idea what it is or you may have used it but have no basic idea about this. Then this …
Working with DOM in Javascript
In this article we will study about DOM, what are its characteristics and properties and in addition, we will see practical examples of how to use the DOM in JavaScript. The Document Object Model or simply DOM is used by web browser to represent your Web page . When this pattern is altered by the use of Javascript it also …
Photo Viewer using JavaScript
HTML has a separate element for image display. This will display the image in a specific region of the page. If we want to add multiple pictures and view it one at a time, then HTML does not have any such tag. We need to build our own design for that. This is a JavaScript …