In Java, different methods like “brute force”, “retainAll()”, and “Sets.intersection()” are used to calculate the intersection of two sets.
How to Create a Rock Paper Scissors Game in Java?
To create a Rock Paper Scissors Game in Java, use the Scanner class to get the user’s move and the Random class to generate the computer’s move.
How to Convert an Array to a Set in Java?
You can convert an array to a set in Java using different methods, such as “Arrays.asList()”, “Collections.addAll()”, “Set.of()” and Java 8 Stream API.
How to Check if a String is Numeric in Java
You can use built-in parse methods, Apache Commons Lang, and regular expressions, to check if a string is numeric in Java.
String lastIndexOf() Method in Java
In Java, the lastIndexOf() of the String class retrieves the last occurrence (position) of the provided character or substring.
How to Split a String by Whitespaces in Java?
To split a string by whitespaces in Java, use the split() method on the provided string and specify the whitespace as a delimiter.
How to Find the Largest Element in an Array in Java?
To find and print the largest array element in Java, different methods like Arrays.sort(), Collections.max(), Java 8 Stream API, etc. are used.
Collections emptyList() Method in Java
In Java, the emptyList() is a built-in static method of the Collections class that doesn’t accept any parameter. It creates an empty and immutable List.